Monday, March 31, 2008

Housing Industry Needs Congress' Help

The housing contraction of the last couple of years is weaving its way through the entire economy, wreaking havoc on the credit markets and causing job losses. Nearly one in six jobs is connected with the housing industry in the metro Atlanta area

The message coming from the housing industry at this point is urgent, yet simple. Congress must move now to enact a temporary home buyer tax credit. This will pay huge dividends, with three immediate results: a stimulation of home buying activity, a drop of excess supply in housing markets and a halt to the erosion of housing prices and mortgage credit quality.

Few can argue that the home building industry is a critical component of the economy, both in metro Atlanta and the nation as a whole. In fact, housing represents 15.2% of the U.S. gross national product. As housing goes, so goes the economy, and this statement has never been more accurate.

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