Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fannie Mae Raises Credit Standards

Fannie Mae has tightened standards for the home mortgages it guarantees or buys.

The government-sponsored provider of home loan funding told lenders Monday it will require a minimum credit score of 580 for most loans it buys on an individual basis. Credit scores range from 300 to 850. In the past, Fannie had no minimum score.Fannie also told lenders it will increase the period needed for borrowers to re-establish credit history after a foreclosure from four years to five. Fannie said it would allow shorter recovery periods for borrowers with "documented extenuating circumstances" that caused the foreclosure.
In a separate memorandum, Fannie, told loan services last week that it could extend forbearance periods on delinquent borrowers to as long as six months to allow borrowers time to find an alternative to foreclosure.

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