Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush Calls on Congress to Pass Housing and Energy Bills

President Bush said Tuesday the nation's troubled financial system is "basically sound" and urged lawmakers to quickly enact legislation to prop up mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

He also called on the Democratic-run Congress to follow his example and lift a ban on offshore drilling to help increase domestic oil production.

"I readily concede it won't produce a barrel of oil tomorrow, but it will reverse the psychology," Bush told a White House news conference - his first since late April.

Bush said the two troubled mortgage companies play a central role in the nation's housing-finance system and that government action to help them were not bailouts because the two would remain shareholder-owned companies.

"I don't think the government ought to be involved in bailing out companies," Bush said.

Amid soaring gas prices, the toughest real estate market in decades, falling home prices and financing that's harder to come by, Bush said: "It's been a difficult time for many American families." But he also said that the nation's economy continues to grow, if slowly.

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