Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Should You Disclose Facts That Affect Your Property

Sure it can be frustrating, exhausting and time-consuming to sell a home in some markets, but don't try to cut corners by failing to make the proper disclosures.

Not only is it illegal for you and your agent not to disclose certain material facts that can affect the value, desirability or salability of a home, most savvy buyers will quickly walk away if he or she suspects deceit.

If you lie by omission and get caught, not only can you face both local and federal charges, you'll still have a home to sell in a less-than-hospitable market. The extra time to sell your home and your day in court could stigmatize the property.

Of course, if you honestly don't know about an issue, or there's little if any chance you could have known, you obviously can't report it.

It's not a bad idea to get a home inspection so you do know. An inspection reveals your attempt at discovery, it will help you determine which items need repair or replacement (not that you are required to make certain repairs), you can use it to price your home and it's a good negotiating tool.

In any event, a good rule of thumb, when it comes to whether or not something should be disclosed: "If you can't figure it out, don't leave it out."

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