Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some Home Buyers Should Buy Immediately

You're probably thinking: "Of course, he would say that. He's a Realtor, and agents always say 'Now is the best time to buy'." Well, here is why:

If you are a seller who wants to move up to a more expensive home in a down market, now could be the best time. The longer you wait to sell, the lower the price of your home could fall.
If you can arrange for alternate housing, a smart strategy is sell now, wait a few months, then buy your new home.
If you sell and buy simultaneously, you'll still be ahead of the game because the price reduction on the purchase is greater than the loss on your home.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's Talk About Gray & Rain Water Recycling Systems

Over the last two years, Georgia has struggled with drought conditions. Today, some parts of Georgia remain classified as areas of extreme or severe drought.

Ongoing discussions about droughts has heightened awareness of the importance of water conservation. As such, the Georgia State Codes Advisory Committee (SCAC) has approved the statewide adoption of amended 'Appendix C - Gray Water Recycling Systems' and a new 'Appendix I - Rain Water Recycling Systems'.

Both appendices are scheduled for adoption as part of the State Minimum Standard Plumbing Code. These appendices will regulate and allow the use of "gray water"( treated sewer water) and rain water for the flushing of toilets, and in some cases, for landscape irrigation. The committee projects that adoption of these appendices will support Governor Perdue's water conservation efforts and save millions of gallons of water statewide.

I believe - that sooner or later...somewhere...somehow...we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken. This is a great way to cut back on taking so much of our natural resources. Finally, a code that makes sense.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Grand Daddy Stock Market Crash

The 1932 Stock Market Crash was the grand daddy of them all. Investors lost 86% of their money over this 813 day beast. This market crash combined with the 4th worst crash the 1929 crash, makes up the great depression. By the end of November 1929, investors had lost $100 billion in assets in what was later called "The Great Stock Market Crash." In just two months, September and October 1929, the stock market had lost 40 percent of its value. Black Tuesday usually marks the point where the Roaring 20’s ended and the Great Depression started. The stock market would continue to fall until bottoming out in July of 1932 with the Dow at 41.22, down 89.2% (from 381.17 on 9/2/1929 to 41.22 on 7/8/1932.) The stock market wouldn’t recover for another 22 years!
If you had $1000 on 9/3/1929 (beginning of the 4th worst crash, it would have gone down to a whopping $108.14 by July 8th,1932 (end of the worst crash) or an 89.2% loss. To recover from a loss like that, you would have to watch your portfolio go up 825%! The full recovery didn't take place until 1954, 22 years later!!!!
This is the Worst Stock Market Crash Ever:
Date Started: 4/17/1930
Date Ended: 7/8/1932
Total Days: 813
Starting DJIA: 294.07
Ending DJIA: 41.22
Total Loss: -86.0%


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd Worst Stock Market Crash

1937 - 1938 Stock Market Crash:
Just when investors thought the market was finally good again, following a recovery of almost half of the great depression losses, the market plunged again due to war scare and Wall street scandals. This was the 2nd Worst Stock Market Crash:
Date Started: 3/10/1937
Date Ended: 3/31/1938
Total Days: 386
Starting DJIA: 194.40
Ending DJIA: 98.95
Total Loss: -49.1%


Monday, October 6, 2008

Government Bailout of 1907 - 3rd Worst Stock Market Crash

Today's bailout is not the first time the government bailed out the stock market.
The 1907 Stock Market Crash was called the "Panic of 1907." The U.S. Treasury department bought 36 million dollars worth of government bonds to offset the decline of the market (and remember, $36 million translates to a much bigger number in today's dollars). This is the 3rd Worst Stock Market Crash:
Date Started: 1/19/1906
Date Ended: 11/15/1907
Total Days: 665
Starting DJIA: 75.45
Ending DJIA: 38.83
Total Loss: -48.5%
