Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's Talk About Gray & Rain Water Recycling Systems

Over the last two years, Georgia has struggled with drought conditions. Today, some parts of Georgia remain classified as areas of extreme or severe drought.

Ongoing discussions about droughts has heightened awareness of the importance of water conservation. As such, the Georgia State Codes Advisory Committee (SCAC) has approved the statewide adoption of amended 'Appendix C - Gray Water Recycling Systems' and a new 'Appendix I - Rain Water Recycling Systems'.

Both appendices are scheduled for adoption as part of the State Minimum Standard Plumbing Code. These appendices will regulate and allow the use of "gray water"( treated sewer water) and rain water for the flushing of toilets, and in some cases, for landscape irrigation. The committee projects that adoption of these appendices will support Governor Perdue's water conservation efforts and save millions of gallons of water statewide.

I believe - that sooner or later...somewhere...somehow...we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken. This is a great way to cut back on taking so much of our natural resources. Finally, a code that makes sense.

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